Selection of porn liked by women

Selection of porn liked by women

If you follow our porn blog, you know we’ve been telling you for years that women are the fastest-growing demographic of porn consumers, especially in important markets like the US and UK.  While most porn is made for men by men, women have been enjoying it for years.  This may seem obvious to you.  What you may not realize is that Coupons.XXX is actually a female-led company.  Most of our reviewers and management are, in fact, women. This gives us a really good insight into what other women are looking for when they search for porn.  

Firstly, we understand and acknowledge that women are not a monolith. This means that not all women want the same thing from their porn.  However, there are a few factors that make some porn more popular with women than others.  Too many “female-friendly” porn sections think that women must be super into very boring, vanilla, missionary-style sex when this absolutely isn’t the case.  When you look at the data, you’ll see that women are often into super kinky categories like bondage and incest porn. 

It may be easiest to define female friendly porn by what it’s not - it isn’t degrading, slut-shaming, laden with over-the-top fake orgasms, and doesn’t focus exclusively on male pleasure.  That last point may be the most important. Women want to see someone with our body, our parts really enjoying themselves in intense sexual situations. THAT is what you can expect from our female friendly porn!