Oct 15, 2019

Top 5 Benefits of Watching Gay Porn

Reading time: 3.5 minutes

We all love porn. Porn is great.  Can you even imagine the world without it?  But have you ever wondered why we all love porn so much?  What about watching other dudes fuck that makes us feel so damn good? Sure, it helps us get off, but that alone doesn’t explain why we turn to it even when we have a willing partner, or why porn is infinitely more popular than sex toys. So why are we all so obsessed with gay porn? Well, it turns out that there are many benefits to watching porn you might not have even thought of! Here’s our list of the top 5 ways you benefit from watching porn.  Some of them might surprise you! 


1. Porn Helps You Sleep.

Ok, technically, any form of masturbation can actually help you get some zzz’s, but since porn is the most popular masturbation aid, the 2 go hand in… er… hand. Many dudes have been jerking themselves off to dreamland since puberty and, given the prevalence of this practice, one might expect that there would be at least a handful of scientific studies on whether or not it is actually effective.  Unfortunately, there aren’t so many.  Dr. Nicole Prause, the creator of Liberos, a sexual biotechnology company that studies the effects of orgasm on the brain, is one of the few researchers looking into this. She surveyed 300 people and found that 200 of them reported falling asleep faster after masturbating than when they did not masturbate before bedtime.  When it is used as part of a regular bedtime routine, it can help trigger feelings of sleepiness. Experts consider bedtime rituals to be part of good sleep hygiene. The habits established in these routines send your body strong cues to relax and get ready for sleep. This would be true of any routine, but a routine that includes an orgasm is a particularly powerful sleep aid.  This is because getting off results in the release of all kinds of stress-reducing hormones, such as serotonin, oxytocin, vasopressin, nitric oxide, and prolactin. Such an enormous dump of relaxing chemicals is also associated with the release of melatonin, which is the primary hormone responsible for regulating our internal clocks. On a related note...


2) Porn helps relieve anxiety

Again, this is true of any activity that leads to orgasm, however, porn is an awfully convenient, readily available tool to that end. The hormones involved with orgasm help temporarily shut down your fight or flight response.  Jerking off can even help lower your blood pressure! Sometimes, anxious feelings can be useful - like when they drive you to study for a big test that’s making you nervous. However, anxiety in excess can harmful, especially when you’re stressed out about things that are beyond your control.  For those situations, porn is not only a welcome distraction but will offer your brain a big feel-good boost to help move on.


3) Porn Helps Fertility

Hoping to have a biological child in the future? Porn can help with that! It turns out the old adage “use it or lose it” applies to sperm.  Going more than a week without orgasm can actually damage the DNA in a man’s sperm. This becomes especially true as men get older. Experts suggest that, if you are actively trying to conceive a child, men should ejaculate daily at least 1 week before your sperm is introduced to the egg.  Obviously, your partner can help with this, but when he’s not available, porn is just as good from a fertility standpoint. Obviously, porn can also help when you’re ready to deliver the sperm sample.


4) Porn Increases Libido 

While many straight couples have weird hangups about porn (some even consider it cheating!), most gay men realize that porn can be a healthy part of their sex lives, even when they’re in a monogamous relationship.  Some studies are even showing that it could benefit your relationship. According to a University of California study, there is a positive correlation between watching porn and wanting to have sex. It suggests that people who watch more porn, have higher sex drives.  Of course, correlation does not prove causality, however, researchers speculate that exposure to visual sexual stimuli can help your libido get over a small funk. 


5) Porn is Instructional

I don’t know about you, but I learned a lot from watching porn.  It provides a safe way to explore kinks - and by safe, I mean both physically safe (as in, safe sex.  No one is going to get HIV from watching porn) and emotionally safe (you can feel free to explore fantasies you maybe aren’t so sure you’re ready to bring into the real world). Many guys use it to explore their sexualities before they’re ready to come out.  Sometimes, they aren’t even sure that they’re gay yet! In addition to getting to learn about what really turns you on, you might get a pretty decent anatomy lesson. Pornstars know all the most sensitive spots some men might not be familiar with. For those who are a bit more advanced, you can always learn some awesome new oral techniques, new positions, how to talk dirty, or new masturbation tools.  There are even instructional BDSM videos that show you how to create safe words, tie specific knots, and give you tips on how to approach these kinks with a partner. 


For more ways, porn can help you in your life, keep your eyes on our blog! We’ll always bring you the latest news, trends, research, and tips from the gay porn industry!